I happen to take all of the photos of myself for my Etsy store. Okay, that's not entirely true, my friend Annie took the photos at the Biltmore Estate for me. Other than that one shoot though, all pictures have been taken by me. Of me. This means I have hundreds, if not thousands, of photos of myself on my computer. Is that kind of weird? I think it is, but it doesn't bother me. (and TRUST me when I say there are hundreds, if not thousands of HORRID pictures of me too!) I am one of the rare breed it seems that enjoys having their picture taken. Maybe it's because I've been told all my life I should be a model*. Maybe I'm just a narcissist? I don't know. I do think I photograph better than some other people... but ONLY when I take the pictures myself. haha. That's kind of like saying "only after I photoshop the pictures into non-recognition". Anyway, it's a lot of work for me to come up with a look and then try and execute it so when the pictures come out good, I get really excited. I happen to really like how my hair turned out after this last photo shoot ( I slept in foam rollers, people! Do you know how much dedication that takes?!) So I am shamelessly putting them on my blog. And my facebook page. And my Thimble Kiss fan page. Okay, so now I'm kind of sick of looking at myself, but that probably means I'm not a narcissist, right?! Good.
*"You should be a model because you're so tall!" Gee, thanks.
I did a photo shoot for Thimble Kiss today. If you are my friend or fan on Facebook than you know this. I kept thinking that this one photo I took looked SO familiar and then it struck me! It looks just like the photo from the Lady Grey pattern over on Colette Patterns! I've been seeing this pattern a lot recently since the lovely Gertie is leading a sew along for it. Okay, so it doesn't look like the photo from the pattern, but the button that Gertie made for the sew along. Close enough! I'm not brave enough to do a coat yet, but one day The Lady Grey will be mine! =) (photo credit to Gertie over on Blog for Better Sewing!)
Do you have anyone you have a crush on that is less than stellar in the looks department? Mine are all musicians, but yours could be authors or movie stars. My mom's ugly crush is Tommy Lee Jones. She says his "confidence is sexy." George brings this up EVERY time Tommy shows up in ANYTHING.
My number one ugly crush will always be Adam Duritz. I love the Counting Crows SO much and the pain in which he sings some of the most beautiful words ever... well, it gets me every time. I must not be the only one because he's dated some of the most beautiful women in Hollywood including Courteney Cox, Mary Louise Parker and Jennifer Aniston. He's (I think) still dating Emmy Rossum. I also was on a flight with him once from Newark, NJ to Orlando. He sat right across from me while we were waiting to board the plane and looked at me at least 20 times. Its probably because the color of my face was going from pale white to deep purple. I ♥ him. (Just not as much as this guy apparently... scary. )
My latest ugly crush has been Win Butler, the lead singer for Arcade Fire. Now, I say ugly, but he isn't really. He's just not what I'd normally be attracted to. I was home in Savannah recently and late at night I caught a live show Arcade Fire did on tv. Ever since then, the crush has been full on. There's just something about him! I can't put my finger on it. That cute girl in the yellow dress? Totally his wife. =) "We Used To Wait" Oxegen Festival 2010.