Friday we went out to dinner to Savoy, the restaurant where George works a few nights a week. Its fine dining and was super good as always. They really enjoyed themselves which was nice. This morning we hit up IHOP (I had the pumpkin pancakes... SO GOOD!) and then sent them on their way back to New Jersey. It was perfect timing because George and I were just reaching our limit for company. Our house is perfect for the two of us, but when we have company it can get a little cramped and we both like having our space. Anyway, it was a good visit. Here they are at dinner at Savoy.
Today after all of that hooplah, I just wanted to do some mindless crafting. I just got an order of knits in the mail the other day and was excited to play with them. I've never really worked with knits and have always been a little scared, but I'm so glad I did it! The fabric I ordered is a cotton/bamboo blend so its SUPER soft. I also wanted to play around with elastic thread so I started out to make a scarf but was just kind of going along and ended up doubling it up, putting a button hole in and making it an elizabethian/scarflette/ ruffle thing! I think I'll play with it some more (like sew straight so the sides are ruffled even for instance!) but these may be fun to attach my flower brooches to! Who knows!