*Visit Austin,Tx.
I did this and it was a hell of a lot of fun. Went out dancing with the bestie and drank way too many Shiners. Thankfully we found a fan with a mister under it and planted ourselves there to get our groove on. My false eyelashes even stayed on. Yay for bff's good with eyelash adhesive!
*Do the Wink Heads and Threads CRAFTACULAR show.
I did this yesterday, and while it wasn't a great show monetarily, I did get to actually have a conversation with the other crafters. If you've ever done a craft show, you know how rare this really is. There was also free lemonade and cookies. Yay for free!
*Pay tuition for this semester
I did not do this. I got an email from the financial aid office saying my application had been revised and they were putting me on a 'do not purge' list. Yay for not purging me or my classes! Also, yay for another week to scrape up the funds for tuition.
*Sit around and read a sickening number of books
I have been doing this for a few months now. Right now I have five library books checked out and have read all but one of them. I got said books not even one week ago. Usually this is a sign that I'm going into depressive/hermit/toostressedtodealwiththeoutsideworld mode, but really I've just been reading some good shit. If you need a suggestion for funny chick lit, let me know. I have the hookup.
*Do the laundry and dishes before George gets home
I have done a few loads of laundry and a few sinkfulls of dishes, yet the piles never seem to dwindle. I think I'll blow the rest off until he has a day off to do them and I'll go read some more. =)
* I'll throw this in just because it's obscene. That is a donut covered in chicken fingers. Really fucking good chicken fingers.
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