I am so backlogged with projects! I get stressed even thinking about it. I have a lot to do and a lot I want to do that I daydream of sewing and crafting without doing much of it. I think about it but walk into my sewing room and feel to overwhelmed with all I want to do and turn around and walk out! We're supposed to get a good 10 inches of snow starting tomorrow, and my boss has told me that he'll send me home around 1 so I don't get stuck so HOPEFULLY I'll get some done this weekend. I'm still catching up from Christmas (I know, horrible! Its easy to do though when you're as post office adverse as I am and all of your friends live out of state!) and I have a best friend's birthday, my mom's birthday and a best friend expecting her first baby girl to sew for! And I would like to sew a dress or two before I go on vacation in April and May...AND my Etsy store is in desperate need of attention. YIKES! I have it all planned (for the most part) and most of the materials I just need to get down to the nitty gritty.
Hey listen! I want you to forget about my birthday until March or April. Work on some dresses for the visit, something sunny and fun for the hot, hot, heat out here...
Then I can get my birthday present in May! Yay! That should help a little bit at least. I do promise to send your Christmas gift after I get next week's paycheck. Seriously!!!
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