I mean really. What girl doesn't love Audrey Hepburn? I mean, granted, I love her more than most probably do, but is there really someone out there that doesn't like her? Even if you think she sucks as an actress (which she doesn't!) you have to agree that she is a beautifully giving person. Just look at all of her work with UNICEF! Anyway, I am one of those super fans who is slightly obsessed with anything Audrey. So much so that I have the name Audrey on my short list of girls names (for some day far away when I decide to have kids of my own) and I'm thinking of getting my bangs cut like hers. I did that doppelganger thing on facebook last week and said I get told I look like Katie Holmes and the daughter from The Gilmore Girls all the time, but Kim, who I used to nanny for, told me that with short bangs and my hair back I look like Audrey all the way. I think that was the nicest thing anyone has ever told me! I've been wanting to do it for a while but what do you think? Short bangs are such upkeep but it may be fun for a while. Here's me tonight and then a few pictures of Audrey.

Bangs grow out pretty fast but I think you should try it and see! You look Ah-mazing with that red. Brat. I can never pull it off.
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